Day 42- The child in me

Yesterday I visited my best friend since childhood, who is a new mom. And spending time with her and her baby made me realise how much my needs are like a child’s.

I want someone who will sit where I ask them to because I patted on the floor. I want to keep shaking my head and be spoken to. I want someone to watch my step and help me land. And take care of me if I hurt myself. I want someone to feed me and cuddle me and love me. Hug me just because I want. Just because they want. Someone to put aside all their needs coz I need them. To make sure I know they are in my corner all the time.

With terrible period crams and no pain killers I got no sleep at night. After dozing off for an hour with pure exhaustion this morning I woke up with a terrible nightmare. I wanted someone to calm me. Talk to me. Hug me. Let me know it was just a nightmare.

Sometimes I need to just man the fuck up and be an adult.

Been an hour but the palpitation is not reducing. Great!